ISFA Cup Final 2024

Football for All – The Bradfield Football Club
At Bradfield, we value participation and ‘football for all’ as much as our elite offering. No pupil is ignored in the implementation of self-improvement, no matter their level.
Football is coached at all levels and abilities; on average the club is able to put out 23 teams per year, across five year groups, allowing over 340 boys to participate regularly. B, C, D, E and F teams train two times a week with a game. We are renowned for having the strongest fixture list on the school circuit; there is no top footballing school that we do not play.
The standard football programme at Bradfield runs during the Michaelmas Term and over 200 fixtures are played.
Goalkeeper coaching
Goalkeepers are not forgotten at Bradfield; we have a professional goalkeeper coach once a week to develop all of our goalkeepers in line with our football philosophy.
House football
There are six internal House competitions, which allow wider opportunities. These competitions are played under different formats that include 11-a-side, 8-a-side and Futsal. House football at Bradfield is very much about participation and community with an obvious hint of competitiveness!