What is it like to be back at Bradfield?
It’s always nice to come back to Bradfield but it’s particularly special to return on Remembrance Sunday and to be asked to speak. Preparing the speech of course led me to reflect on my Bradfield experience and the people I knew. Very much linked with Remembrance I thought of Lt John Sanderson (D 94-99), 1st Battalion of The Mercian Regiment who was killed in Afghanistan in 2010. John was a couple of years ahead of me in the Royal Marines CCF. I remember being impressed by him when in one of our first CCF exercises he helped us newbies to settle into this new military environment. He showed us that we didn’t need any special magic but with a bit of grit and determination we could get through it. More on that later…
On a less sombre note, it’s nice coming back 24 years later to see that some things have changed, the new Study Centre for example, but also that a lot hasn’t. The Quad feels exactly as it did 24 years ago when I left Bradfield and while I won’t name names there are a few teaching staff who appear not to have changed in the intervening period either!