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Donation options;

1. Make a gift online

Which campaign would you like to support?

175 Bursary Campaign Make a SINGLE Gift

Campus Development Campaign


Unrestricted Gift to the General Fund MAKE A SINGLE GIFT


Please make your gift payable to:

‘The Bradfield Foundation’
Account No: 83477460
Sort Code: 20-71-03
IBAN: GB63 BUKB 2071 0383 4774 60

For reference please use the following format:

For a donation to Bright Futures – The Bradfield Bursary Campaign, please use your initials, surname, followed by Bursary
e.g. TS Stevens Bursary

For a donation to Campus Development, including the St Andrew’s Project, please use your initials, surname, followed by Campus eg TS Stevens Campus

Many Thanks, this will greatly assist us in ensuring your donation is correctly allocated.

3. Cheque

Please complete the appropriate sections of the General Donation Form and enclose with the cheque made payable to ‘The Bradfield Foundation’. To take advantage of freepost, please address the envelope:

Freepost RTKU-AEJU-RJEZ, The Bradfield Foundation, Bradfield, Reading, RG7 6AU

Ways to Give information

Visit the ‘Ways to Give Page’ for general information on making donations that might be relevant to you.
