Ordinarily the Summer holidays see the height of activity on major College construction projects, as the one time in the year when there is the opportunity to perform works without impacting upon the pupil experience.

This year however was different. Major works were deferred as a measure of financial prudence, to be replaced by activities necessary to transform the College into a COVID restriction compliant environment.

Now corridors marked with blue arrows indicating one-way systems, hand-sanitisers at doorways and ‘wear your facemask’ signs are part of the new College landscape, watch ‘How we are staying safe’ to see the adaptations.


In spite of this shift of emphasis, the hard-working estates team did manage to schedule some campus improvement activity, with the focus being improving energy efficiency in the Boarding Houses. Accordingly,

The plant rooms of many houses were refurbished with new boilers and efficient plate heat exchangers,




Energy efficient radiators were installed



as well as LED lighting in the Main College area.




In addition, various Houses also saw aesthetic improvements made.


In the last edition of the newsletter we share the plans for the St Andrew’s project. Since then, there has been a lot going on behind the scenes and we have successfully secured 3 of the 4 planning consents that we are seeking. Once we have the final consent, we should be able to proceed with the purchase of the Church. The current climate however urges caution and so phase 1 would be to secure the current infrastructure of the building and then further assessment will be required prior to proceeding to phase 2, the realisation of the learning centre project. 


Many thanks to the 1850 Club Regular donors who are providing ongoing support to Campus Development through their gifts to general donations and named building projects.

Christopher Armour
Richard Bowerman
A Boyce
Paddy Burrowes
Tim Chaloner
Nicholas Coleman
Richard Cotton
Gerard Crombie
Peter David
Robin Leuchars
Peter Simonds
David Wright

as well as The Inchcape Foundation and 3 anonymous donors


If you are interested in learning more about our ongoing Campus Development programme, please do contact Katie Green-Armytage in the Development Office, development@bradfieldcollege.org.uk 0118 964 4840.