In review of the 1850 Club Appeal which was launched a year ago…

We started with 20 regular donors to the College. The 1850 Club appeal has encouraged 39 additional regular donors so far. In addition to this we received 34 single donations and 5 people notified us of their intent to leave a legacy. The donors represent a cross section of the Bradfield community, with OBs, parents, current and former staff making gifts.

As a result of the appeal, existing regular donations and legacies received we managed to raise £144,000 in the year ended 31 August 2019, equating to three 110% bursaries.

After 4 years, donations to the appeal alone will have raised enough funds to support 1 child through a full 5 year education at Bradfield. These are fantastic achievements and we thank you for the part that you played in encouraging this level of support.

The appeal continues, would you like to help make a difference?