When I boarded the plane to India, I was filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. As a volunteer with the OSCAR Foundation, I was ready to assist with football sessions and educational programs. Still, I had no idea how profoundly this experience would change my perspective on life and happiness.

My journey began in Mumbai, a city that pulsates with an energy like no other. Homes are so compact that they fit together like puzzle pieces and the streets are alive with a symphony of car horns, road vendors and laughter. My days were spent between the learning centres in the community, the OSCAR office and the football pitches. Although the days were tiring and the temperature almost unbearable, the children’s boundless enthusiasm and infectious smiles made every moment worthwhile.

I was struck by the stark contrasts in Mumbai between the towering (literally) affluence and the poignant poverty coexisting side by side. Initially, it was overwhelming and made me acutely aware of my own privileged upbringing. I felt a sense of guilt as if my comfortable life was somehow unjust in the face of such hardship. As time passed, I realised that despite having so little these children exuded a happiness that was pure and untainted by materialism. They taught me that joy can be found in the simplest things, a game of football or a new song learned.

My mornings began with the crowing of roosters and the smell of freshly cooked chapatis. The hospitality of the villagers was overwhelming; they welcomed me into their homes and hearts, offering everything they had, even if it was just a cup of chai. The five days I spent in Karnataka gave me an authentic experience of the villagers’ daily lives. I stayed at Govind’s family home, hosted by his mummy who treated me like royalty, where we would share laughs in the evening over home-cooked meals traditionally eaten while sitting on the floor and discuss our night’s sleep the following morning given that sleeping on the floor was a new experience for me!

I visited several villages and engaged in football sessions with the local children. These interactions, though modest, were profound. Their eagerness to learn and their excitement for football showed their true spirit.

In Karnataka, I learned the true meaning of generosity. These villagers, despite their limited resources, were always willing to share. It wasn’t the value of what they gave but the heart with which they gave it which forced me to reconsider the true meaning of happiness and wealth.


My final stop was Daman, a smaller city by the beach, known for its manufacturing industry and the latest OSCAR project site. This newest project is primarily set up for those children whose parents are factory workers, providing a chance at a more prosperous life
by integrating education with sport. It was clear that the sessions were a hit as I visited the communities and witnessed the children eagerly waiting until the next time they would play. Like those children in Mumbai and Karnataka the children here taught me invaluable lessons. My journey with the OSCAR Foundation was more than just a volunteer trip; it was a profound learning experience. The kindness and generosity of the people I met was humbling. Despite having so little, they gave so much. They taught me that happiness is not a product of material wealth but human connection and simple joys. I learned to let go of my guilt and instead embrace mindfulness; to be aware of my privileges but not burdened by them, to use them to make a difference.

The most important lesson I learned is that those with the least are often the most willing to share and that happiness comes from the heart. This trip changed me in ways I could never have imagined, reminding me that true wealth lies in generosity and simplicity.

As I reflect on my time in India, I carry with me the warmth and kindness of the people, the lessons learned from the children and a renewed appreciation for life. My heart is fuller, my perspective broader and my commitment to giving back is stronger.

Former Head Girl, Alice first became involved with the OSCAR Foundation in 2017 when she was recruited at Bradfield as an OSCAR Young Leader and was instrumental in hosting the OSCAR girls in 2018.

OSCAR eagerly encourages other Bradfieldians to join their volunteer programme. Take a look at the OSCAR volunteering in India webpage to find out more and if you are interested please contact lucinda@oscar-foundation.org