The Spiral Staircase that leads from South Aisle reading room to the mezzanine above is one of the iconic features of the new design for the St Andrew’s building. This elegant design feature is now in place and its arrival really helps us to understand how the space in the South Aisle will be used. A book-lined reading room below and a light and spacious seminar room above. See the images from the construction site below:

architects’ render of the South Aisle Spiral Staircase

The spiral staircase as it now stands, leading from the South Aisle reading room into the seminar room on the South Aisle mezzanine.

The treads for the finished spiral staircase will be made of oak – the treads currently show are temporary

Visually impactful and elegant design

view from the South Aisle mezzanine at the top of the spiral staircase. The reception is through the arch at the front, the collaborative learning space is through the glass paneled archway to the left

South Aisle mezzanine seminar room. The tops of the archways will be filled with glass so that the light from the windows is let through