The large glass panels that will be used to form the link building are now being carefully lifted into place within their concrete framework next to Gray School.

The link building will connect the St Andrew’s building, via a newly created opening in the South Transept, to the main College and also provide direct access between Gray School and St Andrew’s. Being glass, the connection will appear be ‘invisible’ when you are looking from the pitches towards the main College. The concrete framework that provides the structure for the link building will be zinc clad in due course.

glass panel for the link building roof being carefully lowered into place

fixing the glass panels in place

side profile of the link building with the connection into gray school behind

the view from inside the link building, looking back towards Big School and the main college

For any project related questions or to learn more about the different giving options for Be part of the St Andrew’s Project: 2023, do contact our Philanthropy Lead, Kirsty Perkinson by either call her on 0118 964 4846 or emailing