The College had the pleasure of hosting 24 members of the 1850 Society, their spouses and guests at the College this weekend for their annual gathering. The gathering started with an invitation from the Headmaster to lunch at Crossways. Courtesy of the clement weather the Society were treated to al-fresco dining and a welcome gentle breeze in the Crossways garden.

Lunch began with a welcome by Al MacEwen, Director of the Bradfield Society and Development who then handed over to Richard Butler (G 52-56) current President of the 1850 Society. Richard reviewed his Presidency, remembering with a shudder the attempt at an online 1850 Society gathering, but also speaking with passion on the importance of the Society to the development of a stronger Bradfield.

He then introduced the new President, David Wright (E 48-53), who responded by stating his gratitude for his Bradfield education and what it has allowed him to achieve and his preparedness to undertake the role, stating that it’s not often one has the opportunity to start a new job in ones late 80s, but it was one that he was committed to.

The lunch menu of Salmon ‘three ways’ followed by English Strawberries and Cream received widespread approval and was perfectly topped with a speech from the Headmaster on the excellent current health of the Bradfield.

Following lunch, the Society moved down to the main College for a brief on the St Andrew’s Project  – the transformational project to turn the historical building into a teaching and learning centre at the heart of Bradfield – followed by a tour of the church led by Julia Bond, Capital Projects Manager. There was lots of interest and positive murmurings about the project amongst the attendees.

Following attendance of a second exhibition  – from a choice of a History of Bradfield tour, practical experiments in the Science Centre, an insight into Trackman at the Golf course, a tour of the art schools and an insight into Virtual Reality – 1850 Society members then retired for Afternoon Tea in the marquee alongside the other attendees of Summer Bradfield Day.

A wonderful way to spend a Summer day.

If you are interested in learning more about the 1850 Society and leaving a gift to the College in your will visit the dedicated Leave a Legacy webpage and contact Katie Green-Armytage on or call 0118 964 4840.