After restoration work carried out by the Cumbria Clock Company, the restored clock dials have now been returned to their home on the western and northern aspects of the St Andrew’s clock tower.

The dials – made from cast iron dials  – with copper hands have been completely striped, primed and painted in double thickness 24 carat  gold leaf. Gold, aside from looking fantastic, does not tarnish and is very durable, outlasting any paint, so the dials should remain in fantastic condition for a couple of decades.

The main clock mechanism has still to be returned to the tower, the dials were returned first as the scaffolding that currently surrounds the tower is soon to be removed. We anticipate that the work to return the main mechanism to the tower will take place in the next couple of weeks. There are a set of gears behind the dials, they then require a wooden mount before a second set of gears can be placed that link to the clock. This wooden mount needs to be in place for the clock to be returned.

For now, however, it is wonderful to see the transformation of the clock-face dials from rusty and weather-beaten to smooth and re-gilded and to see the restored dials glinting in the sunshine overlooking the sports pitches and the village of Bradfield and the Art Schools.



The dial from the inside of the tower through the newly restored louvres

For more information about the project and options to be be part of the transformation of this historical into an inspirational learning space at the heart of the campus visit Be part of the St Andrew’s Project: 2023

For any project related questions or to learn more about the different giving options, our Philanthropy Lead, Kirsty Perkinson, is here to help, call her of 0118 964 4846 or email