The main access for the St Andrew’s teaching and learning facility will be via a glass link building next to Gray Schools. The basic concrete framework for the link building has been in place for a while but in recent weeks this structure has been enhanced so that it is now possible to easily compare the emergent structure with that which is show in the project fly-through. The exciting latest development is that the builders have now started to dismantle the South Transept wall to create the opening for the link building. This ‘break-through’ work is being done incredibly carefully by hand to ensure that the stability of the old structure can be maintained. Currently RSJs are in place to hold the weight of the structure above the opening, this is a temporary position prior to the permanent archway being installed.

Link Building concrete Framework with South Transept behind

Change of level in the link building will be enabled by a flight of steps on the left and lift access on the right

Link building arch and break through into the South Transept

RSJs in place holding the weight of the Rose Window and upper construction on the gable end during the breakthough process prior to establishment of the permanent archway