Over the last 9 months we have become used to a St Andrew’s obscured by scaffolding, but it is the beginning of the end for the era of scaffolding. The internal scaffolding that allowed the construction team to repair, renovate and refurbish the internal fabric of the building is coming down day by day to be replaced by a new floor line from which the permanent internal frameworks will rise. The first to make an appearance on this stage of fresh development is the South Aisle Mezzanine, its iron frame rising from the floor and providing our first insight into the new layout of the building and its look and feel.

Externally the newly refurbished roof is soon to be revealed when the temporary roof is removed mid March. Up until now it is only those fortunate enough to have worked on the project or visited the site who have been able to see the wonderful craftsmanship of that roof and it will be a real delight to share it with everyone.

Whilst the scaffold on the main building will start to come down bit by bit over the next few weeks, the encasement around the tower will remain in place longer to permit ongoing works. The culmination of the work on the tower will be the much anticipated return of the clock. The mechanism has now been fully restored and returned to full working order under the skilled team at the Cumbria Clock Company and the rusty and weather beaten dials have also been restored and re-gilded and look fantastic.

Another heritage item update is that the rose window in the South Transept has now been successfully removed for repair as has the cockerel weather vane.