We are pleased to report that the first spade has entered the ground and work has begun to convert St Andrew’s Church into an academic hub for the pupils at Bradfield College. Several years in the making, this transformational teaching and learning project will provide pupils with space in which they can work individually or collaboratively to discuss, iterate, debate and share ideas as they prepare to study and work in the 21st century.

Our contractors Feltham Construction arrived on site this week and have started removing the hedge stumps, steps and brick wall alongside Gray School on the College side of the building. All of this has taken place under the watchful eye of an ecologist who has been on hand to provide guidance for the careful rehousing of some protected wildlife species, including grass snakes and slowworms, which were known to be in the area.

Over the next week the contractor will continue with setting up their site and will put protective measures in place for the significant and historic features within the church.


“The last service happened in this church on St Andrew’s Day in 2014 before I started working here at the College. Here we are, eight years later, about to do something incredibly exciting with it and I can’t wait to see the results.”

Dr Christopher Stevens, Headmaster



“It’s an incredibly complex project and we’ve got lots of constraints to work around. We’ve spent the last four planning this so we are absolutely delighted to be working with Feltham Construction on the renovation and conversion of the church.”

Julia Bond, Capital Projects Manager


Find out more about the St Andrew’s Project