As we start the 2020/21 Academic year, the College is providing Bursary support to 137 pupils. 16 of these receive 100% support and include 3 Royal Springboard Bursary recipients, 15 at the 75% plus level and 37 at the 50% plus level.

This year the Bright Futures Bursary Campaign succeeded in raising £73k and owing to the exceptional nature of the current circumstances the Bradfield Foundation transferred sufficient funds to support 6 pupils on 100% bursaries to the College, as well as supplementing the Hardship Fund. This action enabled the College to bolster the level of support offered to parents in these times of need as well as freeing up College funds to be reallocatednecessary after a 30% reduction in fee income for the Summer term 

This magnitude of support to Bursaries is only possible because of the history of generosity amongst alumni, parents and staff past and present who have chosen to make a gift. 

The gifts have come in different forms, depending on what works best for the donor, be that a Single Gift, a regular gift via our 1850 Club Regular Giving programme or by choosing to Leave a Legacy to Bradfield.  


A massive thank you to those who have made a gift to Bright Futures over the last year;

Michael Akers
James Balfour-Evans
David Barnett
Sophia Bergqvist
Anthony Billington
Michael Bostelmann
Terence Brack
George Burne
Richard Butler
Ian Dodwell
Piers Dunn
Robin Elliott
Hans Gangsted
Rosemary Halsted
Ernest Hicks
Ian Holden
Mike Jones
Roger Keeley
Hugo Kendall
John Kingsley
Victoria Leijten
John Lyon
Alastair MacEwen
James Maltin
Christopher Perfect
Brian Prevost
Jeremy Robb
John Ross
Robin Salmon
Roderick Seligman
Michael Seymour
Michael Silcock
Colin Smythe
Chris Stevens
Mark Taylor
Seb Waddington
Jeremy Wagener
Roger Wall
Florian Wendelstadt
Anthony Werner
James Wilson

Plus 12 anonymous donors