The opportunity to convert St Andrews church into a unique, multi-faceted area with a library, study areas and social spaces is very exciting for the College and progress towards obtaining planning permission is being made.

At the moment St Andrew’s Church – currently formally closed – remains with the Diocese of Oxford, whilst the churchyard remains open and is the responsibility of Bradfield Parochial Church Council (PCC).

The sale of St Andrews will only be completed and ownership of the building transferred to the College if all the necessary consents, including planning and listed building consents, Ministry of Justice order and Church Commissioners’ approval, are successfully secured.

On Thursday 30 January the College hosted a Public Consultation where the proposed plans for St Andrews were shared. The Consultation was attended by over 50 OBs and locals and the feedback was largely positive. Currently the plans for the Church are being refined prior to submission of the planning and listed building consents.











The St Andrews project is a key part of the College’s long-term plan to develop the campus and improve facilities at the College in line with the ‘Campus Development Framework’, details of which can be found at