At the end of 2018 we initiated the 1850 Club Regular Giving Appeal in support of Bright Futures, by asking Old Bradfieldians in Palmer, Army, Loyd and G House if they could help to make a difference.

In a symbolic gesture, to ‘provide a starter boost’ to the appeal an anonymous donor from A House gave £18,500, saying

I am keen for the College to build up a reasonable fund for bursaries, so I hope that Old Bradfieldians respond with enthusiasm to this important cause.

And indeed we have had an encouraging response…

Thanks to the collective giving of donors from these Houses so far, by the end of 2019 we will have raised enough funds to support one pupil on a full bursary for a year. We are proud of this achievement and hugely grateful to these donors.

The second phase of the campaign, which extends the ask to Old Bradfieldians across all Houses, has just been launched and we hope that even more OBs will see that this is a cause worth supporting and join the 1850 Club.