Pupils were fortunate to be able to converse with thirty professionals across a range of sectors from banking, medicine, motorsports and business start-ups to web design, I.T. and accountancy as Horizons hosted its annual Meet the Professionals Networking evening.

Sixth Form pupils, as well as some Fifth Formers, had the opportunity to talk to alumni, parents and local partners about their career journeys to date. Some of the professionals have worked in a similar field for their entire careers whereas others have taken paths that have morphed into a variety of roles and sectors.

These events offer pupils the chance to talk to individuals who work in an area that they may be considering as a future pathway or want to find out more about. It is also a chance to discover a role, function or industry they had not yet considered, enabling them to broaden their horizons. Over recent years we have been lucky enough to have many alumni join the event including several recent leavers.

The art of networking is a skill that we hope each pupil will start to learn and to understand its importance before they enter the world of work. A huge thank you to all the professionals and pupils for supporting the evening.