I would never have imagined, even last year, that I would be addressing everyone at Commemoration as Head of School. The only reason I am is because of the unwavering belief that everyone here puts into you which allows you to grow as a person.

Bradfield is a school built around the people and for the people, and that has become more evident in my role as one of the Heads of School. Something just as evident is the power that pupils have to enable change. This has been apparent with the number of pupil initiatives that have been set up and continued this year. These include a pupil-led tutoring scheme, Talks Inspiring Bradfieldians, The Golden Egg, the new House sustainability competition, and one I’m sure many will have heard about: Bradfield pyjamas. These are just a few examples of the many things that pupils have helped to change and it is this pupil focus that allows not just the best development of the school but more importantly the development of the pupils throughout their time here whether that starts in Faulkner’s, Sixth Form or at any other point.

One of the main reasons behind the strength of the pupil voice here are my fellow Prefects and Heads of Houses who have been the conduit and engine for these ideas, supported me throughout the whole year and have been incredible people to be with. They have been my foundation this year.

At Bradfield you will either discover your passion or continue your passion with like-minded people whether that be in music, drama, sport, art or academics. This is because everyone here works with you and has your best interests at heart. This gives you the ability to thrive in the areas you are passionate about which in turn gives you the skills required to excel in every area of school life and beyond Bradfield due to the ‘Education for Life’ which the College provides.

These support bubbles at the school are seen most in your difficult moments. Whether it be the pastoral staff, the friends you make along the way or your teachers, everyone here is looking out for you and although you may not recognise that support during your high times it is impossible to miss it during the low points. These are inevitable during not just school life but life in general. It is these low points that make the high points so great and it is the advice you get from these support bubbles which will serve you for the rest of your life to ensure that you never feel alone in your lowest of lows.

On to the person by my side, my fellow Head of School Rosie (I). I had not even had a conversation with her before we found ourselves in the Headmaster’s office being asked to be Heads of School in May last year. But in the year that I have known her she has been the epitome of what a Head of School should be. She puts everyone’s interests before her own and it is this humility which has allowed her to lead not only our year but the school. Although we may not have spoken to each other at all beforehand I can now safely say I have made a great friend. I think this quote from Michelle Obama describes Rosie best: “People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together.” I must also mention our Deputy Heads of School, Lola and Archie, whose support, friendship and humour have been invaluable.

To say my year group has been transformed over the last five years would be an understatement as we have gone from shall we say a very tricky year group to a group that I take inspiration from every day. These are young people who I know will go on to do great things in the areas of life they are passionate about.

I think this perfectly shows what Bradfield is all about as, no matter where you start, the people here will be with you every step of your journey no matter how different it may be from the person before or after you. This is because we celebrate difference, we learn from each other and we learn how to give back.

We are so much more than names on a register or a set of exam grades. We are young people who have the ability to affect others’ lives for the better. This is Bradfield’s greatest strength and one we must never take for granted.

So, to those of you who are leaving with me, I know you will be successful wherever your journey takes you next and to those of you who still have time left in this beautiful place, make sure you take time to enjoy and celebrate all the other journeys that are going on around you. I wish you every success in the rest of your Bradfield journey.