In celebration of 20 years of Film at Bradfield, the College organised a London gathering at BFI Southbank. Hosted by teachers Jane Stables and Roger Keeley, with their team of current and former staff alongside the Bradfield Society, fifty three guests were welcomed to a drinks reception at the British Film Institute’s Blue Room.

Projected around the room were photographs of trips and events, aswell as excerpts from some of the fabulous films Bradfield students have produced over the years.It was great to see that so many Old Bradfieldians have gone on to work in the Film and TV industry: as actors, directors, videographers, film producers, VFX artists, screenwriters and hair and make-up artists.

Many others were keen to emphasise the abundance of transferable skills that film develops, leading into careers as diverse as accountancy, law and product design. Many thanks to everyone who attended for making the evening such an immense success.