Charlie Coghlan, Bradfield Head of Physics was delighted to welcome Antonia von Stauffenberg (J 16-20) back to Bradfield to kick-off the Bradfield Science Week lecture series with an introduction to Exoplanetary science. Antonia’s fascination with Exoplanets began at Bradfield, where she researched GJ 581 and the TRAPPIST 1 system for her Extended Essay. She even credits this research as one of the reasons she was granted her PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, which she managed to apply for directly from a Bachelor’s degree at University College Dublin. Antonia wowed the audience with insights into Hot Jupiters, Brown Dwarfs, Mini Neptunes and Super Earths. Antonia was also invited to join a special session of The Diadati Society hosted by Miss Stannard, delighted that the Extended Essay had served Antonia so well. The Diadati meeting saw a wide-ranging discussion encompassing everything from women in STEM to wave-particle duality, with the bonus of chocolate biscuits. An enlightening start to science week to inspire future generations of Bradfield Scientists. Thank you for your time Antonia and all the best for your future studies, we look forward to learning more.