Our IB Diploma candidates have once again achieved excellent results, across a wide range of subjects. We are delighted to note our highest ever average points score from a fully examined session of 37. All of our candidates gained the full Diploma by reaching the requirements in all 6 subjects and by completing the valuable IB Core of Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge and Creativity, Action, Service (CAS). 93% of all grades achieved were above a 5, with more than a fifth of our pupils scoring over 40 points (above the threshold for even the most competitive of universities) and over 90% scoring over 32 points, where Russell Group offers typically begin. One of our pupils even achieved the perfect IB score of straight 7’s with AA in the core, the first to do this in a fully examined session and the latest in our distinguished line of pupils to secure the maximum 45 points.

Aside from the numbers, we are incredibly proud of how this cohort has worked collaboratively and positively, in embracing the values of both the College and the IB Diploma. They have been open-minded, inquisitive and relentlessly hard-working. They have shown genuine ambition and perseverance and have been duly rewarded with opportunities at a range of excellent universities including: LSE, Oxford Brookes, UCL, Durham, Exeter, Lancaster, Bocconi, Swansea, Newcastle, Bath and Harvard. Several of our students have exciting plans for Gap years. All of them have a wealth of opportunity ahead of them, and we wish them the very best in taking the next steps in a lifelong journey of learning.