We are thrilled to announce that Bradfield College has been shortlisted for the Best Public School award at the Tatler Schools Awards 2024.

The Tatler Schools Guide team, led by education editor Tori Cadogan, launched the 20th annual edition of their definitive list of the best educational institutions this month following a rigorous selection process. Then, with nominations from a variety of sources, including public votes, their expert panel formed a carefully created shortlist for seven different awards which will be handed out at their annual School Awards event.

We are delighted our wonderful pupils and staff have earned the College a place on this shortlist in fine company. You can read our stellar review from this year’s Tatler Schools Guide below.


I realised how lucky I was to be in such a beautiful place.


Next to the bubbling River Pang, with many of its brick-and-flint buildings converted from original village houses, Bradfield offers a ‘quintessentially English’ country education. As one of its charges told ‘Tatler’, “When I went on a run with my friend around the golf course…I realised how lucky I was to be in such a beautiful place”. But that’s not to say the teenagers here aren’t scaling academic heights: last year, 25 per cent of A Levels were graded A*, and 40 per cent of IB candidates scored 40 points or more. Meanwhile, parents love how all the Year 9s board together – ensuring a unified peer-group in which everyone knows each other – before moving on to their senior houses. Not only is the pastoral care exceptional, with a team of counsellors, listeners, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists and CBT therapists on-hand; but the family-friendly boarding regime allows weekly boarders to return to school on Monday mornings. Known for its prowess on track and pitch – the boys’ football team were ISFA Cup Winners in 2022 – the school offers 21 other activities, including rifle shooting (with one pupil selected for the GB U18 cadet rifle team). And all this brilliance is fuelled by some of the best food on the circuit. Anyone coming to watch a match will be treated to tasting-bowls of venison with dauphinoise potatoes or Penang prawn curry. Form an orderly queue!