Congratulations to our Headmaster, Dr Christopher Stevens, who completed the Venice Marathon last weekend. He crossed the finish line in a superb time of 4hr16min and raised around £6,000 for the OSCAR Foundation in the process thanks to the generosity of the Bradfield community.

His efforts kicked off our year-long campaign to raise funds for the charity which supports children and young people from very low income communities in Mumbai, India, and helps them to improve their life skills through football and education projects. Our partnership with the OSCAR Foundation began in 2018 when we welcomed a girls team to Bradfield as part of the charity’s ‘Kick Like a Girl’ tour and, five years on from their first visit, we are excited to welcome back the OSCAR Foundation as they bring a touring team of mixed girls and boys to Bradfield in Autumn 2023.





Writing the day after the Marathon, Dr Stevens said:

“Well, I made it! It proved a great experience, and I am reasonably mobile today. Except on stairs. Sadly, family city-break half term plans were scuppered at the last minute by an Italian air traffic control strike so my ‘support team’ ended up staying at home and I found new flights for a 36-hour marathon-only trip. Serious cramps hit at 32k so the final stretch was slow and painful – thank goodness Venice and crowds were there to keep me going – and I finally crossed the line in 4hr19min (adjusted to 4hr16min as it took a while to get to the start line). Very many thanks to all my sponsors. With gift aid we have raised nearly £6,000 for Oscar.”