We are delighted to announce that Bradfield College has been recognised internationally as a Microsoft Showcase School.

As part of the formal application process the College spent the past year harvesting and curating evidence of how the community is creatively using Microsoft software. Equally, it was important to demonstrate the impact of the digital tools available. The classroom returned lots of powerful examples of how pupils and teachers use OneNote, Teams, Forms and Flipgrid to enhance learning. Much of this practice is now commonplace, allowing pupils and teachers to collaborate in real time, using highly effective methods of feedback that simply aren’t viable when working in analogue.

Being a Showcase School means so much more than a badge and branding. Microsoft have invited Bradfield to join its global community of schools and colleges, allowing us to share and listen on a greater scale than ever before. This is all the more essential for a school that sees the importance of the international context within an ‘Education for Life’.

There is no doubt that our status as a Microsoft Showcase School will help drive our Digital Strategy 2025. The programme presents all colleagues with a number of training opportunities and multiple fora for sharing ideas and best practice.

The internet, by definition, allows us to connect. Bradfield is delighted to be able to lend its voice to the international discussion on teaching and learning, helping ensure contemporary relevance to serve our pupils in the world that awaits them.