Following public examinations sat in an exam room for the first time in three years, pupils at Bradfield have returned outstanding A Level results. 25% of grades were A*, 55% A*/A, and 82% A* – B, all in the context of grading nationally dropping back towards pre-pandemic levels. This cohort’s performance mirrors the similarly excellent return from those studying the IB Diploma Programme and their College record-breaking mean score of 38 points (out of 45 – equivalent to 3 As at A Level in UCAS points). Overall therefore, Sixth Form results for this year equate to:

(where IB Higher Level 7 = A*, 6 = A, and 5 = B)

Even more important than the grade levels themselves, these results are testament to a group of young people who have thrived, having worked incredibly hard in uniquely trying circumstances.

Nine pupils secured 3 A*s or higher, including Tom who returned A*A*A*A* and has secured a place at Durham to read Engineering.


Tom A*A*A*A* Durham Engineering
Jamie A*A*A*A Durham Politics
Jenna A*A*A* York Law
Matthew A*A*A* York Drama
Joseph A*A*A* Imperial Maths
Jake A*A*A* Loughborough Business & Economics
Patrik A*A*A* St Andrew’s Engineering
Jack A*A*A* Bath Combined Honours
Isabel A*A*A* Bristol Business & Management


Other A Level and IB pupils embarking on highly competitive courses include Elsa and Beatrice, who head to medical school, whilst Amelia, Alex and Jess have accepted places at Oxford to read Experimental Psychology, Geography and Fine Art respectively.

Considering our leavers’ university destinations more generally, 79% of A Level pupils have accepted places at their first-choice institution with a further 17% accepting their insurance offer. Although most pupils will take up places across the UK, university application is very much an international arena with a significant group headed overseas, including to New York, Florida, and Duke (North America), IE Madrid (Spain), The Hague (Netherlands), and Bocconi (Italy).

Neil Burch
Deputy Head (Academic)


We cannot underestimate what a challenge the past two years have been. This group of pupils are frankly remarkable, taking adversity in their stride and demonstrating incredible mettle. Their character and attitude are even more impressive than the level of their attainment in these examinations. The same is true of their teachers who, once again, provided unwavering support throughout. We wish our leavers every success for the exciting future that awaits them.

Neil Burch, Deputy Head (Academic)