The perspective is unique. It is not something you would find in most portraiture. She is claiming her power.


The Art History Society held its first exhibition in the Summer Term with pupils curating and presenting a collection of works by black artists which engage with and reimagine aspects of world history.

Following on from their studies during Black History Month earlier in the academic year, History of Art pupils continued their exploration of inspirational black artists, delving into themes shared within their artworks from family, domesticity and matriarchy to music, history and racial tensions.



When you look at a painting there is so much to it. There’s not necessarily a definitive answer.


Titled Refocusing the Spotlight, the exhibition provided an opportunity for Bradfieldians to look at the world from a different perspective. Lower Sixth Art Historians were on hand throughout the evening to give short presentations on their chosen works spanning the last 130 years and created by artists including Chris Ofili, Khadija Saye, Neil Kenlock, Sonia Boyce, Wangari Mathenge and Henry Ossawa.


With History of Art you are always learning from everyone else more than I think you do in other subjects.