Once again, the College is delighted with the A Level grades awarded to our Upper Sixth leavers, just reward for their individual and collective commitment, resilience and readiness to adapt over the past 16 months. The cancellation of pubic examinations forced pupils to quickly come to terms with the fact that their knowledge and understanding would be assessed differently. Pupils should be immensely proud of their response. They worked incredibly hard for their grades and deserve many congratulations.

As ever, a large group of pupils have achieved at the highest level. Of particular note:

Rosanna A*A*A*A* Durham Mathematics
Alexander A*A*A*A Durham Mathematics
Rosie A*A*A* Edinburgh Geography
Cordelia A*A*A* Edinburgh History of Art
Lily A*A*A* Durham Geography
Holly A*A*A* Birmingham Mathematics
Leo A*A*A* Warwick PPE
Garegin A*A*AAA Bristol Physics & Philosophy
Jan A*A*AA Manchester Computer Science & Mathematics
Freddie A*A*A Durham Geography
Oscar A*A*A Warwick Politics Philosophy & Law
Fionnhuala A*A*A Loughborough Sports Technology
Thomas A*A*A Durham Music
Iyayi A*A*A Birmingham Medicine
Yiang A*A*A Manchester Architecture
Yasmin A*A*A Nottingham Psychology & Cognitive Neuroscience
Daniel A*A*A Southampton Film
Ellie A*A*A Leeds Art & Design
Zachary A*A*A Durham Natural Sciences
Ellie A*A*A Bristol Psychology & Neuroscience
Cameron A*A*A UCL English
Alessia A*A*A Manchester Philosophy

All pupils are congratulated for the manner in which they have conducted themselves throughout the pandemic. As much as they clearly helped themselves, demonstrating diligence and fortitude in equal measure, they helped each other – their friends – to dig in and achieve in the most challenging of circumstances. They are a credit to themselves. So too their teachers who supported pupils with great energy, empathy and integrity throughout, working tirelessly on the pupils’ behalf.

Neil Burch
Deputy Head (Academic)

Bradfield pupils’ A Level results, like those achieved at IB and GCSE, testify to the ability, resilience and diligence of a group who thoroughly deserve the excellent grades they have achieved. It has been humbling to witness the adaptability of so many young people over the last 18 months and their determination to keep doing their best throughout this disrupted period. The pupils engaged really well with the outstanding education offered online by their teachers during lockdown and loved being back in school when it was possible, ultimately performing really strongly on the assessments upon which their results have been based. We wish them all the very best for the next stage of their journeys within and beyond the College.

Dr Chris Stevens