If you make something which works for the extremes then it will work well for everybody.

Marcus – a level design pupil


A Level Design pupils put their problem solving and creative skills to the test earlier this year when tasked with redesigning everyday products for people who suffer with arthritis.

Pupils looked at a range of household items including scissors, hammers and cheese graters and were challenged to improve the design so that they could be better gripped and used. By taping their fingers up and trying to use the products, pupils were able to better understand how it is difficult for arthritis sufferers to find the right pressure points to use them. They then started to think about what could be done to change them.


“I have learnt so much. When you get to the end of a project like this, that feeling when you realise you might have fixed someone’s product is so rewarding.

Lorna – A Level Design pupil


Watch the video below to find out more.