On Thursday 23 May, a group of Lower Sixth IB pupils organised the third college-wide Mental Health Awareness Day.
Now an annual event, MHAD is planned as a part of the CAS Project (Creativity, Action, Service) an integral part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. It aims to raise awareness of mental health issues and put into practice ways of promoting positive mental health.
This year’s event kicked off with the Early Morning Walk. The school congregated at 6.45am to begin their stroll around the College grounds, taking in the beautiful scenery as the sun rose over Hill 2. The fresh air a welcome change from the daily rhythms of College life.
A new addition to this year’s event, the Wellbeing Wall, encouraged pupils and staff to offer uplifting and positive messages during a very busy and challenging exam period. A charity cake sale also ensured that we had a special treat to go with our morning cuppa.
Dodgeball got the inter-house spirit going and late afternoon saw pupils take to the Colour Run, a pupil favourite. Following the short course up and down the Pang and around New Ground paint throwers waited eagerly to cover them from head to toe. The bright colours and exercise lifting the spirit!
The day concluded with a Rock Concert in the Greek Theatre. Well done to all of our performers who put their heart and soul into their performances to help raise money for the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust.