Founded in 1850 by Thomas Stevens, and set in the village of Bradfield amidst unspoilt Berkshire countryside, Bradfield College enjoys a well-established reputation for being one of the country’s leading co-educational, independent schools through its provision of an outstanding education.

The College welcomes pupils from the UK and overseas with the pupil body numbering approximately 830, comprising 350 girls and 480 boys from 13 to 18 years of age.

Boys and girls enter Bradfield at 13+ (Year 9) and many more join the College’s popular and vibrant Sixth Form, where they can choose to study either the IB or A LevelsFaulkner’s, a state-of-the-art boarding house, is specially designed to help all girls and boys make a happy and successful transition from prep school (we recruit from more than 70) to senior school; pupils then move into one of 11 senior houses.

We offer an unrivalled co-curricular programme for all our pupils which ensures that every girl and boy has the opportunity to develop valuable skills outside the classroom, wherever their interests lie.