Congratulations to the three current Bradfield pupils and one Old Bradfieldian who have begun the year by receiving thoroughly deserved offers from Oxford and Cambridge to start in September.

The pupils have secured offers from Oxford to read Law and Biological Sciences while an Old Bradfieldian has an offer from Cambridge to study Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion.

Alongside their academic studies on both the A Level and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme routes, these pupils have contributed much to the co-curricular element of a Bradfield education. Their achievements include representing the 1stXI hockey team at the South Regional Finals, participating in the Oxford Union Debating Finals, playing the piano in multiple College concerts and writing articles for The Bradfieldian magazine.

We would also like to congratulate a number of other Bradfield pupils who have secured offers from top universities including Theoretical Physics at Durham, Mechanical Engineering at Edinburgh, Natural Sciences and Liberal Arts at Exeter, Physics and Bio Chemistry at Imperial College, Architecture at Bath and Automotive Engineering at Warwick.