As the project to transform the former church into an inspirational teaching and learning facility enters the final stages, pupils and staff were thrilled to take a tour of the St Andrew’s Study Centre earlier this week.

The pupils who were first to see in the building at this stage of completion commented on the huge amounts of light and what an open, welcoming space it is to do group as well as individual work.


It feels really productive here, it’s easy to get your head down and I would happily come and work here. It feels like a comforting space.

zahra (I)


It was a pleasant surprise for staff too, who received the go-ahead from Neil Burch, Senior Master Academic, inviting them to take a tour of the St Andrew’s Study Centre during their lunch break. Neil, who has been involved with the project from the outset, is delighted with how the building has turned out.


I appreciate that I am known for my love of cliché and hyperbole, but genuinely St Andrew’s is incredible, there is not a detail that I don’t like.

neil burch, senior master


Mr Burch invited his Upper Sixth Chemistry set to take a tour of the Study Centre, followed by a Chemistry test in the freshly commissioned individual study booths in the Sanctuary area. Proof of concept indeed, but we have been assured that not every visitor will be required to sit a Chemistry test!

The design of the Study Centre has remained true to the architect’s vision but also to the original building. Visitors commented positively on how much of the original architecture is present in the structure and that it is not just visible, but integral to the way the Study Centre works.


St Andrew’s has a wonderfully calming quality, a place you can settle down and produce some quality work.

al macEwan, director of development


The Study Centre needs further work – including transfer of the books from the Garrett Library – to be ready for pupils. These final stages will happen over the Easter holidays and the Study Centre will open for use during the Summer Term.

If you are interested in learning more about the St Andrew’s project journey, visit the dedicated St Andrew’s Project website. Donor Recognition options are still available, if you are interested in making a gift to the project do contact our Philanthropy Lead, Kirsty Perkinson on

Zahra (I)

I appreciate that I am known for my love of cliché and hyperbole, but genuinely St Andrew's is incredible, there is not a detail that I don't like.

Neil Burch - Senior Master

Bradfield can be a pretty hectic place but St Andrew's has a wonderfully calming quality, a place you can settle down and produce some quality work.