The 2023 leavers’ success is a fitting reward for their diligence and their many talents. I salute their achievements and the great efforts of their teachers.


Following public examinations for the first time since 2019 without modification, pupils at Bradfield have returned outstanding A Level results. 11.3% of grades were A*, 40% A*/A, and 73% A* – B, which is a great achievement in the context of grading nationally dropping back to pre-pandemic levels. This cohort’s performance mirrors the similarly excellent return from those studying the IB Diploma Programme whose mean score was 36 points, with one pupil scoring the maximum 45 points putting them in the top 1% of all candidates globally. Perhaps even more important than the grade levels themselves, these results are testament to a group of young people who have thrived, having worked incredibly hard in some of the most trying circumstances.

Five pupils secured 3 A*s or higher (AS level in parentheses) including Darryl who returned A*A*A*A(A*) and heads to Imperial to read Electronic and Information Engineering and Gabriel who returned A*A*A*A(A*) and is also heading to Imperial to read Computing. The others in this category are:


Olivia A*A*A*(A) Exeter Flexible Combined Honours
Alexander A*A*A* Bristol International Social and Public Policy
Imogen A*A*A* Exeter Art History and Visual Culture


A further six pupils secured two A*s:


Oliver A A*A*A A Durham Mathematics
Richard A*A*A A Queen Mary Economics, Finance and Management
Tilly A*A*A Exeter Sociology
Poppy A*A*A Durham English Literature
Henry A*A*A Leeds Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Jospeh A*A*A Manchester Physics with Astrophysics


We are incredibly proud of this year group who have shown determination and calm resilience over the last two years to produce these excellent results.


Considering our leavers’ university destinations more generally, 75% of UCAS applicants have secured places at their first-choice university and 21% have taken up their insurance offers. Other pupils are seeking places through clearing or planning to make applications during their GAP years. Although most pupils will take up places in the UK, it is very much an international arena with a significant group headed overseas, to the US, Canada and Europe such as Stanford (USA), Bocconi (Italy) and McGill (Canada).

Elizabeth Wells, Deputy Head (Academic) said, “We are incredibly proud of this year group who have shown determination and calm resilience over the last two years to produce these excellent results. These results are testament to the diligence of our pupils and the skill of their teachers and support staff.”

Dr Chris Stevens, Headmaster said, “The 2023 leavers worked stoically through years of covid disruption and sat public exams for the first time in their final term. Their success is a fitting reward for their diligence and their many talents. I salute their achievements and the great efforts of their teachers. We all wish the leavers the very best for the future.”