Two more of Bradfield’s Film Studies Class of 2021 have received national recognition for their academic films. Grace (J 16-21) and Felix (G 16-21) have both been shortlisted in the Film or TV Extract category of the eighth annual WJEC Eduqas Moving Image Awards, following in the footsteps of their classmates whose films were also nominated for national awards last year.

The competition recognises the inspiring levels of student achievement within the production realms of Film and Media Studies and has gained support from leading figures within the film industry. The award ceremony celebrates the best work created by Film and Media Production students aged 14-19 at schools and colleges from around the UK.


It has been a delight to have viewed so many amazing production entries from student’s whose work continues to shine through these tough times. The technical achievements and creative talents of these candidates has been outstanding this year. Hats off to the teacher’s making this happen in spite of such difficult circumstances. I am very much looking forward to celebrating this work with the students and teachers at our planned face to face Awards ceremony in 2022 where we hope to see this work back on the big screen.

Rebecca Ellis, Film Studies Subject Officer at WJEC Eduqas



The five category winners will be announced in March at a prestigious ceremony held at the British Film Institute, London which will feature some very special industry guests. You can watch Grace and Felix’s shortlisted films below.



Directed by Grace – Film or TV Extract



Directed by Felix – Film or TV Extract